Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions


Using steel means solid and rigid free stalls for ideal positioning of the animal in a clean and comfortable resting area. Steel free stalls are more durable.

The main advantage is to drastically reduce the risk of injury to their spine, while promoting an upright position of the cow when lying down. And in addition, it facilitates the height and depth adjutement of the headrail.

Our free stalls are proudly made and distributed in North America along with other equipment designed to meet the needs of producers.

Free stall and feeders installed in dry areas, the post are 3/16″ thick. Structures that come into contact with manure have double thickness at 3/8″ thick.

Post depth is determined by a PFB expert before installation. PFB will supply you with plans and specifications for your project, and we’ll make every effort to accompany you every step of the way.

Most PFB products are hot dip galvanized keeping with the strictest international standards (AGA,CCA,OIQ,ACRGTQ,SCGC)

PFB Equipment has the best dealer network in the business. Our website can help you find the dealer nearest you.

Our heated waterers are designed to operate at 120 volts. They use 5 amperes or 580 watts.

When you purchase our products, we provide you with a post location plan to ensure all posts are in the right place, so your equipment coordinates together.

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